Prances With Horses May 2, 2007
Wednesday, May 2. 2007Prance with the Horses, Skittr with the MiceHow hard
is it to build a highly scalable social messaging system? Not hard if
you use the right tools. Over the last week and a half, in my spare
time, I wrote a Twitter clone in Scala and lift. It's 884 'wc
-l' lines of code including comments. It can handle 1M+ users on a two
Intel Core 2 Duo boxes (one as the web front end and the other as the
message broker.) With a weeks of full-time coding, it could be
modified to scale linearly with the number of boxes in the system.
You can
check out the code from the lift repository
and look at it.
You can play with (it's on a box on my DSL line,
so it's going to be bandwidth constrained.)
First, here's the 170 lines (including
comments and blank lines) of code that does all the logic:
* All the "current
state" and logic necessary to deal with messages between users
class UserActor extends Actor {
// the maximum
messages to keep in memory
private val maxMessages = 20
// Information about
the user
private var userName: String = _
private var userId: long = _
private var fullName: String = _
// the list of the
latest messages for the user
private var latestMsgs: List[Message] = Nil
// The timeline for
the current user
private var localTimeline: List[Message] = Nil
// the folks who are
following this user
private var followers: List[Actor] = Nil
// the listeners
(either message listeners and/or listeners to the timeline)
private var messageViewers: List[Actor] = Nil
private var timelineViewers: List[Actor] = Nil
// a list of friends
private var friends: List[String] = Nil
* When the Actor is
started, this method is invoked
def act = {
this.trapExit = true // send messages on
exit of linked Actors
// The main loop
that receives messages and processes them
loop {
react {
// The user sends a
message containing text and a source. This can
// be from the web,
from IM, from SMS, etc.
case SendMessage(text, src) =>
// create a new
Message object to be added to the user's local message and sent
// to followers
val msg = Message(text, System.currentTimeMillis, userName, src)
// add to our local
messages (keeping only the maxMessages most recent messages)
latestMsgs = (msg :: latestMsgs).take(maxMessages)
// update all our
followers (and ourselves) with the message
(this :: followers).foreach(_ ! msg)
// and put it in the
// if the message
was autogenerated, then autogenerate another message in 5 or so minutes
if (src == "autogen") autoGen
// someone is asking
us for our messages
case GetMessages => reply(Messages(latestMsgs)) // send them back
// someone is asking
us for our timeline
case GetTimeline => reply(Timeline(localTimeline)) // send it back
// someone wants to
know our name... tell them
case GetUserIdAndName => reply(UserIdInfo(userId, userName, fullName, friends))
// shut the user down
case Bye =>
// set up the user
case Setup(id, name, full) =>
userId = id
userName = name
fullName = full
UserList.add(userName, this) // add the user to
the list
// get the latest
messages from the database
latestMsgs = MsgStore.findAll(By(MsgStore.who, userId),
OrderBy(MsgStore.when, false),
MaxRows(maxMessages)).map(s => Message(s.message, s.when, userName, s.source))
localTimeline = latestMsgs // set the local
timeline to our messages (the folks we follow will update us)
// get friends
friends = User.findAllByInsecureSql("SELECT users.* FROM
users, friends WHERE = friends.friend AND friends.owner = "+userId,
true).map( < _)
// tell all our
friends that we follow them
case ConfigFollowers =>
friends.flatMap(f => UserList.find(f).toList).foreach(_ ! AddFollower)
// if the "autogen"
property is set, then have each of the actors
// randomly generate
a message
if (User.shouldAutogen_? || System.getProperty("autogen") != null) autoGen
// if we add a
case AddFriend(name) =>
friends = (name :: friends).sort(_ < _)
// find the user
ua =>
ua ! AddFollower // tell him we're a
(ua !? GetUserIdAndName) match { // get the user info
case UserIdInfo(id, _,_, _) => Friend.create.owner(userId).friend(id).save // and persist a
friend connection in the DB
case _ =>
// We are removing a
case RemoveFriend(name) =>
friends = friends.remove(_ == name)
// find the user
ua =>
ua ! RemoveFollower // tell them we're
no longer following
(ua !? GetUserIdAndName) match { // delete from
case UserIdInfo(id, _,_,_) => Friend.findAll(By(Friend.owner, userId), By(Friend.friend, id)).foreach(_.delete_!)
case _ =>
// remove from local
localTimeline = localTimeline.filter(_.who != name)
// update timeline
vieweres with the former-friend-free timeline
timelineViewers.foreach(_ ! Timeline(localTimeline))
// merge the
messages (from a friend) into our local timeline
case MergeIntoTimeline(msg) => localTimeline = merge(localTimeline ::: msg)
// add someone who
is watching the timeline. This Actor will get
updates each time
// the local
timeline updates. We link to them so
we can remove them if they exit
case AddTimelineViewer =>
timelineViewers = sender :: timelineViewers
// remove the
timeline viewer
case RemoveTimelineViewer =>
timelineViewers = timelineViewers.remove(_ == sender)
// Add an Actor to
the list of folks who want to see when we get a message
// this might be an
IM or SMS output
case AddMessageViewer =>
messageViewers = sender :: messageViewers
// removes the
message viewer
case RemoveMessageViewer =>
messageViewers = messageViewers.remove(_ == sender)
// add someone who
is following us
case AddFollower =>
followers = sender :: followers // merge it in
sender ! MergeIntoTimeline(latestMsgs) // give the follower
our messages to merge into his timeline
// remove the
case RemoveFollower => followers = followers.remove(_ == sender) // filter out the
sender of the message
// We get a message
case msg : Message =>
messageViewers.foreach(_ ! Messages(latestMsgs)) // send it to the
message viewers
localTimeline = (msg :: localTimeline).take(maxMessages) // update our
timelineViewers.foreach(_ ! Timeline(localTimeline)) // send the updated
timeline to the timeline viewers
// If someone is
exiting, remove them from our lists
case ('EXIT, who : Actor,
why) =>
messageViewers = messageViewers.remove(_ == who)
timelineViewers = timelineViewers.remove(_ == who)
case s => Console.println("User "+userName+" Got msg "+s)
* Sort the list in
reverse chronological order and take the first maxMessages elements
private def merge(bigList: List[Message]) = bigList.sort((a,b) => b.when < a.when).take(maxMessages)
* Autogenerate and
schedule a message
def autoGen = ActorPing.schedule(this, SendMessage("This is a random
message @ "+timeNow+" for "+userName, "autogen"), User.randomPeriod)
The system contains a UserActor for each
user in the system. The Actors process messages. A device (the web,
IM, SMS) sends a "SendMessage" to the Actor. The Actor creates a
Message instance, puts that in the local message store (we keep 20
messages around) and then forwards the message to all the followers.
Each user also keeps a local "timeline" which is an ordered set of
messages from that user and from all the users that the current user is
Any follower of the timeline will get a
"Timeline(msg)" message when the timeline is updated. The controller
(that causes the web page to get redrawn when an update happens)
performs the following on a timeline update:
case Timeline(msg) =>
messages = msg
And the code that actually renders the
timeline in the browser is:
messages.flatMap(msg =>
Helpers.bind("sk", defaultXml,
"username" -> (msg.who+" @ "+toInternetDate(msg.when)),
"content" -> msg.text))
The view passes in the XHTML template
and the messages are bound to the template.
Any thing (another user, a device, etc.)
can query the user for its messages or its current timeline. When the
web app displays messages for the user, the web app gets the Actor
representing the user (it need not be in the local address space)
without making a database query.
What this means in practice is that
you'll only have database queries when a new message is added (an
insert), when a friend is added (an insert), or when a friend is
removed. There's currently no "history" feature in Skittr, but if
there was, that would require a query. Put another way, Skittr
demonstrates how to build a distributed messaging infrastructure that
models the actual messages, but uses the database for persistence and
lift fully
supports Comet style applications. Rather than the browser "polling"
the server, the browser opens a connection to the server and waits for
an instruction. If there's no new instruction (e.g., redraw part of
the screen) at the end of timeout (lift uses a 110 second
timeout), the server returns a "default" message. The average cost for
composing a complete page (this is more than is required to compose the
sub-part of the page containing the messages) is 15ms. The cost for
returning a "no-op" message is < 1ms. Twitter's hourly new message
velocity is 50,000. That's 14 messages per second which (if each user
has 10 friends, half of whom are online) results in 70 "updates" per
second. On a dual core machine, there's plenty of head-room for
sending out these messages.
On a broader note, "He
that is good with a hammer tends to think everything is a nail."
The LAMP folks default to solving problems with a database. Sometime,
a database is not the best tool to solve problems.
Erlang is all about message passing. There's a ton of problems that
are really hard to solve with an RDBMS that get solved really easily
with message passing. I spent a while with Seaside and Magma (an
object database) and it totally freed me to think about things in a new
way because I was persisting objects and walking object graphs rather than
worrying about how big a VARCHAR was.
In many ways, Scala is blend of a lot of
these good worlds. I like that I could choose to blend Actors,
servlets, and all the other stuff that's part of the Scala world. It
means that I have a choice about how I solve a problem. I hope you've
enjoyed my solution to the "scaling Twitter problem." I hope you'll
enjoy how the Erlang/Erlyweb folks solve it with their chitter project.
If you're wondering about the title of
the post, it's from a children's book:
your feet! Clamp your hands! Everybody ready for a barnyard dance! Bow
to the horse. Bow to the cow. Twirl with the pig if you know how.
Bounce with the bunny. Strut with the duck. Spin with the chickens now-
Cluck Cluck Cluck! With a BAA and a MOO
and a COCKADOODLEDOO. Everybody promenade two by two. Prance with the
horses, Skitter with the mice. Swing with your partner once or twice.
Stand with the donkey. Slide with the sheep. Scramble with the
little chicks- CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP! With a NEIGH and a
MOO and a COCKADOODLEDOO another little promenade two by two. Trot with the turkey. Leap with the frog.
Take another spin with the barnyard dog. Turn with the cow in a patch
of clover. All Take a bow, and
the dance is over. With a OINK and a
MOO and a QUACK QUACK QUACK, the dance is doe but we'll all be back